'Blindfold Food Tasting Game | Guess That Food Taste Test | Fun Game for Kids | What\'s in my Mouth Challenge! // Playing a fun food tasting game with my kids as they guess what\'s in their mouth while blindfolded. Kept it really simple with fruits, vegetables, dairy, nuts, etc instead of cooking various dishes. I had over 25 bite-size items but if you choose even any 10 of them it\'s an easy game to put together and fun for kids too. If you like our ideas - take a moment to visit/share/like/comment/follow/subscribe youtube.com/c/keshalish • facebook.com/keshalish • instagram.com/keshalish • www.keshalish.com for more. Royalty-free music: Little Idea by bensound.com'
Tags: food challenge , taste test , kids games , Games For Kids , kids activities , activities for kids , food taste test , fun game for kids , taste test challenge , guess the food , blindfold taste test , WHATS IN MY MOUTH CHALLENGE , kids taste test , what's in my mouth challenge , guess that food , food games for kids , food tasting game , blindfold test , kids blindfold food taste , fussy eater taste test , blindfold food tasting , guess the food taste game , blindfold games
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